Ibec launches new ‘Reboot & Reimagine’ campaign

Ibec, the group that represents Irish business, has launched a major new campaign that provides a framework for a sustainable future for Ireland in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

This includes addressing the major structural challenges from both the present and past.

Entitled Reboot & Reimagine, Ibec's new campaign outlines a comprehensive range of thematic policy actions for a reboot and reimagine in three phases: 100 days, end of 2020, and the end of 2023.

Among the key recommendations are a €15 billion reboot plan within the first 100 days of a new government and an increase of €25 billion in the lifetime of the National Development Plan through a combination of exchequer, private and other finance.

Marking the launch of Reboot & Reimagine, Ibec CEO Danny McCoy said: “The Covid-19 pandemic is a truly seminal moment in our lives, posing enormous challenges to the way humanity has organised itself over recent decades.

“As a society, the response in Ireland has been exemplary. The economic response to date from government has also been impressive, particularly in providing strong income supports for impacted workers, but much more will need to be done to address the economic impact of the crisis.

“We are, however, only in the first phase of the crisis. While economic dislocation has been sudden, its full impact has not yet been felt and is likely to last for years. Disruption and change are unavoidable.

“Even before this crisis, Ireland was facing systemic economic and societal issues such as Brexit, climate change and a housing crisis. But history teaches us that in times of adversity there is also opportunity. In our new campaign, Reboot & Reimagine, Ibec sets out a vision and a roadmap for recovery. Through our campaign, we want to positively influence and shape the public policy response to the greatest challenge of our lifetimes.”

To reboot and reimagine for a better Ireland, there are six thematic areas to prioritise and which provide a framework for Ibec’s key recommendations: engagement and crisis management; fiscal policy and stimulus measures; get people back to work; use the National Development Plan (NDP) review to stimulate investment; seize international opportunities and address Brexit challenges; reimagine a better Ireland.