INMO calls for action to address 'severe' staffing pressure
The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation has warned that Covid-19 will exacerbate the "severe" staffing pressure in the health service.
On the International Day of the Nurse, the INMO has called for an urgent increase in the number of undergraduate nursing and midwifery places.
Of the 3,700 nurses and midwives who joined the nursing and midwifery register in Ireland last year, 13% (183) had trained elsewhere in the EU, with nearly half (49%, 1,189) having trained outside of the EU.
The INMO warned that the global pandemic means a likely drop in overseas recruitment, resulting in additional staffing pressures in coming years.
The INMO said over 5,000 students put nursing or midwifery as their first preference in the CAO last year and more places should be made available to accommodate them.
The union added that a moratorium, pause or any other measure to slow down recruitment cannot be countenanced.
INMO General Secretary Phil Ní Sheaghdha said: "Today is a day to celebrate nurses. We have been deeply humbled by the strong public support for our profession.
"During Covid-19, International Nurses Day has taken on an even stronger meaning for the public and our members.
"We must ensure that frontline staff are given the support and resources they need to do their job. To provide safe care, we need to build up our staffing levels.
"Ireland must continue to recruit staff from around the world, but also to train more ourselves.
"We train far fewer nurses and midwives than we need, but we know that thousands more want to join the nursing family."