Over €1.1m. invested in Mayo GAA's bid for 'Sam'
WITH the annual Mayo GAA Convention taking place in Hotel Westport on Sunday next, the treasurer Kevin O'Toole will inform delegates that despite the total expenditure for the year up to the 31/1017, they have registered a surplus of €203,275, which is an increase of €115,946 on the previous year.
This bottom line figure should be very well received by the club delegates.
The total expenditure for the year was €3,130,549. . .an increase on €140,890.
Over half of the total expenditure went on county team expenses, €1,514,857.
Expenses for the county senior football squad were €1,123,995, an increase of €131,941 on the 2016 figure.
However, this years figure includes the holiday to South Africa, which more than off sets the increase for the team in 2017.
The other figurers for the county team were: Under 21 footballers €104,951; Minor team €62,053; Junior team €6,071; Hurling team €211,864.
These figurers include travelling (buses, flights etc.) which was €622,081; Catering €423,056; Sportsgear and equipment €216,924; Medical €252,796.
The County Board draw at €202,800, Cairde Mayo fundraising €718,449, Sponsorship €549,705, and Summer Camps, €345,255 (up a whopping €91,935 on the 2016 figure) were among the main sources of revenue generated by the board in 2017.