The Connaught Telegraph’s first compact edition
Today (Tuesday 15th July) marks a new milestone as The Connaught Telegraph launches first compact edition. This issue marks a milestonefor Ireland’s oldest provincialnewspaper still being publishedas we move from thetraditional broadsheet formatto a more reader-friendly compactstyle.It arrives at a time of immensechange for everybodyassociated with The Connaught Telegraph and we can look forwardwith confidence underthe skilful direction and leadershipof Celtic Media Group,an organisation with its heartfirmly placed in the local newspaperindustry.
Together, we carefullyplanned the new format,tastefully designed with ourdiscerning readers and advertisersat the forefront of ourminds.For example, a colour codedapproach is incorporated intothe presentation to help readersnavigate their way throughthe newspaper in an easy andhassle-free fashion.The news pages, in whichour committed editorial teamwill continue to break the bestof local stories on a consistentbasis, is colour coded blue, thesame shade as our eye-catchingmasthead.
The ‘comment & analysis’section, which includes ourunrivalled political coverage,is colour coded green whileour ‘local and lifestyle’ segment,in distinctive gold, is apull-out containing the mostup-to-date district notes fromthroughout the county. Proudtradition dictated the positioningof our sports pages, colourcoded maroon, at the back ofour newspaper, a structurethat works exceedingly well inthe new format, where incisivephotography complements insightfulreporting.
Readers may have noticed adistinctive change to our photographiccoverage over thepast number of weeks, a movethat will become even morepronounced within the compactdesign as it grows over thecoming months and years.While there has been a seriesof modifications throughoutthe newspaper, we havegladly retained many of thepopular features that have set The Connaught Telegraph apartover the years.
It is expected our advertiserswill embrace our new formatas it offers them increasedprominence and more strategicpositioning throughout thenewspaper.The transition is a work inprogress and all feedback fromreaders will be warmly received.
It has been necessary,however, to increase the priceto €2, the first price increase inover three years, to facilitatethis investment, including thatof a new-look high functionalitywebsite.Needless to say, it is thisnewspaper’s intention to remaina strong voice for thepeople of the county as well ashighlighting the many successstories that occur from weekto week, with the four-in-arowfor our county footballersbeing a great start for our ownnew format. The Connaught Telegraph isyour newspaper and our dooris always open.
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