Burglary rate tumbles

BURGLARY rates fell by more than a third in the first three months of this year.

Mayo Fine Gael Senator Michelle Mulherin has paid tribute to the success of the garda strategy in tackling burglary and other property crimes, saying this success will ensure that people in Mayo are safer as burglary rates fall.

Latest statistics from the CSO show an 18.4% drop for the 12 months to March 31. The figures also show that in the first three months of 2016 there were 36.47% less burglaries than in the first three months of 2015.


This is good news for people in Mayo and demonstrates the success of Operation Thor, the response to public concern over burglary rates,” she said.

Meanwhile, a case for the appointment of at least one further full-time garda detective in Westport has been made by Councillor Christy Hyland.

Speaking at a meeting of the Mayo Joint Policing Committee (JPC), he quoted recent survey findings by an insurance company which showed that last year there were 80 burglaries in the Westport area compared with 52 in Ballina and 27 in Castlebar.

There is only one full-time detective in Westport, a town which is particularly busy at weekends, the Independent representative said.

Councillor Hyland also claimed there was an issue as regards the scarcity of community gardaí. He said there should be a full time community garda - designated full-time to community work - in each town.

Replying to Councillor Hyland on the issue of burglaries, Garda Supt. Joe McKenna said the latest figures to hand show that the number of burglaries in the Westport area is down 47% already this year.

The officer agreed that community gardaí do important work, especially in sorting out issues as regards housing estates. For instance, an issue in a Castlebar estate some weeks ago was resolved very amicably thanks to the work of the local community gardaí.