Mayo concerns raised over committee to examine repeal of 8th amendment
RENUA Mayo area representative Michael Farrington has expressed grave concern about the proposed composition of the Committee to examine the Repeal of the Eighth Amendment.
Responding to the finalising of the terms of reference for the committee, Kiltimagh-based Mr. Farrington said: “I note that both Leo Varadkar and Simon Coveney have been crying crocodile tears over the pro - choice positioning of the so called Citizens Assembly.
“The difference in the view of the Pro-Choice Citizens Assembly and the people, as indicated in a series of recent opinion polls is certainly stark. However, the ‘unease’ of Mr Varadkar and Mr Coveney would be far more convincing, were it not for the composition of the Dail Committee that will now examine this matter.
“It is not our intent, in RENUA Ireland, to make mirrors into men or women’s souls Unlike Repeal the Eight who brook no dissent. We also believe in diversity and the right of those of a Pro-Choice persuasion to put their case.
“We do note however, with grave concern, that the vast majority of the committee have already declared that they are of a hard-line pro-choice persuasion. This, to us, has all the appearances of another liberal stitch-up.
“As politicians and committee members they are entitled to take such a position and their openness and transparency is to be commended. We have to question whether the current administration has taken a similar position. Ireland is in an uncertain and closely divided position when it comes to the issue of abortion.
“Yet the government has created a committee which bears absolutely no resemblance to the position of the people. It is asking a lot to believe that such a difference is entirely accidental.
A series of recent court decision reveals that Fine Gael in particular has form when it comes to attempting to gerrymander referendum results. It should be astonishing to see how the ‘big parties’ have conceded the shaping of Ireland’s abortion policy to the Social Democrats, Solidarity, Independents 4 Change and People Before Profit.
“However, this is just part of an ongoing pattern of the abdication of responsibility across all areas of governance. We are gravely concerned that the current committee has been set up to act as persuaders for Choice.
“The Committee has a democratic responsibility to act as an Independent vehicle of Inquiry. RENUA Ireland will be watching it closely and will call it to account should it betray this historical responsibility.'
RENUA Ireland are holding a series of public meetings meetings around the country to promote the Pro – Life position. The Mayo meeting will be held in The Ivy Tower Hotel (Welcome Inn) Castlebar on Wednesday, June 14, and all are welcome.