Demand for crash barrier at N5 accident blackspot
YET another road smash at Cloonkeen, Castlebar – in which a vehicle came barrelling off the N5 demolishing a wall and garden structures – has led to renewed calls from local residents for crash barriers at the 'blackspot' location.
In the latest incident earlier this month, a driver coming from the Castlebar direction lost control on the bend and left a lengthy debris trail after ploughing into Quinn's garden.
Similar impacts are a regular occurrence at the location. Recently, a driver lost control on the same bend, splintering a telegraph pole and demolishing a brick pillar.
In subsequent days, a minibus slewed sideways on the same bend and ended up on its side on the busy road.
Once again, concerned local residents are proclaiming 'enough is enough' and are demanding action.
Donal O'Shea, who lives locally, says crash fenders are needed at the point where vehicles regularly leave the road.
Mr. O'Shea explained: “The wall and garden which was owned by the late Frank Quinn takes the brunt of the damage.
“Vehicles come to the bend from the direction of Castlebar and just 'take off'. There seems to be something wrong with the camber of the road.
“In the past five or six years there were nine or ten accidents. Thankfully, none were fatal.”
Donal O'Shea and his neighbours have long been urging crash barriers along both sides of the now infamous bend but, regretfully, nobody seems to be listening.
There is a general feeling locally that the necessary road alterations/improvements are being put on the long finger due to plans for a new motorway between Turlough and Westport which would make Cloonkeen and the old N5 more of a backwater as regards traffic.