€93,682 for local childcare providers
THE provision of €93,682 by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs to a selection of creches and pre-schools in Mayo will improve the quality of childcare services in the county and make it more affordable to parents.Â
So said Minister Michael Ring who has also encouraged parents in Mayo to avail of a new government website which tells parents exactly what supports they're entitled to from the State.
The following new facilities were awarded grants today: Woodland Park Pre-school will receive €20,000; Bright Beginnings Childcare will receive €20,000; and The After-School Club at St. Angela's National School will receive €20,000.
The following existing facilities will also receive funding: Barnacarroll Childcare Services will receive €8,870; Balla Preschool & Afterschool €4,982; The Care and Education Academy €10,000; and Joanna's Preschool €9,830.
Said Minister Ring: “I am delighted these facilities have been selected for funding and I look forward to more creches and pre-schools in Mayo receiving support in the next round of funding which will be announced shortly.â€
All parents of young children are urged to check what supports they are entitled to from the State by visiting the website www.affordablechildcare.ie, which has already recorded more than quarter of a million visits.