Seven Mayo communities still fighting for clean water supplies
FRESH concern has been raised over communities in Mayo left waiting for new group water schemes to be constructed.
Seven areas have been waiting since 2010 while CLÁR funding was abandoned by a previous government for a new group water scheme to be built.
The people in those areas cannot drink the water in their taps or use the water to wash their clothes. They are incurring considerable additional expense because the naturally occurring water in the terrain around them is not fit for consumption.
Stated Mayo Senator Michelle Mulherin: “They have waited and waited. They have paid for consultants. Such schemes need to be looked after and funded in the context of the 2016-18 multi-annual rural water programme.
“People in parts of County Mayo like Kilmurry, Downpatrick, Carrowcastle and Fermoyle need to be given some hope that in the last year of the multi-annual funding programme, they will finally get some good news after many years of waiting. I might add that the people in question have absolutely no problem paying for their water.”