Kilkelly town centre (Image from Google Maps).

€280,000 for new community centre in Kilkelly

MINISTER Michael Ring has approved LEADER funding of €281,445 to support the development of a new community centre in Kilkelly.

This project was selected by the Mayo LEADER Local Action Group and approved by the minister.

Kilkelly & District Development Company Ltd. has been allocated €281,445 for a facility that will meet the social and leisure needs of the community while also providing a venue for basic community services.

Commented Minister Ring: “I’m delighted to have approved support for this new community centre. This will be very welcome news for the local community in Kilkelly.”

The centre will act as a focal point for information and coordination of all local activity and will drive the development of other local projects, from tourism development to town centre enhancement.

Minister Ring continued: “I have now announced over €2.1 million in funding for more than 60 Mayo LEADER projects. Nationally, over 1,000 LEADER projects have been approved compared to less than 50 this time last year.

The milestone reflects a significant expansion of activity over the last 12 months since I introduced a range of measures to make the programme work better for both potential applicants and for the LEADER Local Action Groups which deliver the programme on the ground.

Over €29 million has now been allocated nationally through LEADER to support businesses and communities around rural Ireland. In addition, there are a further 300 project applications going through the approval process for funding of about €20 million. LEADER funding represents an enormous opportunity for rural businesses and communities that are in need of investment and I want to see the programme continuing to grow and make a difference for rural Ireland over the coming years.”