Town square enhancements officially opened in Ballyhaunis
MINISTER Michael Ring officially opened the town square enhancements in Ballyhaunis today.
The works were carried out following the allocation by Minister Ring of €96,000 from his department’s Town and Village Renewal Scheme in 2017.
Ballyhaunis was one of 14 communities in Mayo to receive funding under the 2017 scheme. The minister recently allocated €1.18 million to a further 11 towns and villages in the county under the 2018 scheme.
Commented Minister Ring: “This town square enhancement project is vital to revitalise the town centre of Ballyhaunis and it is wonderful that the work has been completed in time for Christmas.
“The works include preparation for permanent market stalls and events stage for outdoor public events, new LED lighting and other works to the square.
“It is wonderful to see here how a modest amount of funding can make such a difference to a town.
“Mayo County Council also provided part of the funding to ensure the work was carried out and the local community, through Ballyhaunis Chamber of Commerce, also played their part by making a contribution.
“All this work is testament to the passion and commitment of local people to make rural Ireland a place where people want to live, work and prosper.”