View of the River Corrib in Galway. Image from Google Maps.

Lower sluice gates to save south Mayo from flooding

LOWER the sluice gates in Galway and save south Mayo from flooding this winter.

That was the appeal by Councillor Patsy O'Brien at a local area meeting where he pointed out that 10 inches of rain had fallen in the south of the county in August – probably one of the highest ever recordings for the region.

There has, he said, been a serious issue with flooding, with a series of interlocking turloughs running into Lough Corrib.

He wanted a letter to be sent to the OPW to lower the sluice gates in Galway. The lake has risen by 6ft over the last few weeks and that water needed to be let off into the sea now.

It would, he continued, help massively if the levels in the lake were kept lower, and the waters could be let go now.

Supporting his colleague, Councillor Damien Ryan agreed this was 'essential'.

If Lough Corrib was kept at winter levels the water could not then be let go or the Claddagh would be swept away.

Now is the time to adjust it, not when trouble hits.”