HSE issues Mayo appeal to help halt spread of flu
The HSE has issued an appeal to the Mayo public to help prevent the spread of flu and norovirus over Christmas.
The authoirty has appealed to those suffereing with the conditions to steer clear of hospitals and GP surgeries so as not to infect others who may be very unwell already.
Dr. Aine McNamara, specialist in Public Health Medicine, explained: “What we call weather illnesses such as colds, sore throats, coughs and such like, are viral, self-limiting illnesses and can be treated with fluids and analgesia (painkillers).
“Most of these mild illnesses are viral and can be treated by yourself at home. Antibiotics will not work on a viral infection, including flu. Get plenty of rest, drink lots of fluids and take paracetamol or ibuprofen for temperatures, aches and pains.
“It is not too late to get the flu vaccine and it is particularly important for people in at risk groups, which includes everyone aged 65 years and over, pregnant women, anyone over six months of age with a long term illness requiring regular medical follow-up such as chronic lung disease, chronic heart disease, diabetes, cancer or those with lower immunity due to disease or treatment.
"The flu vaccine is free if you are in an at-risk group but you may be charged a consultation fee, unless you have a medical card or a GP visit card.
“You will know when you have the flu. It comes on more suddenly than a cold, the whole body is affected, and you’ll experience loss of appetite and energy.
“The advice is to stay in bed and rest, take fluids and use over-the-counter remedies like paracetamol to ease symptoms.
“By venturing out to the GP or emergency department, you are not only putting your body through a stressful time, you are spreading the virus to people who may be in the at risk groups.
“Only if you are in one of the at-risk categories, or you are an otherwise healthy person who is getting worse a number of days into the flu-like illness, should you seek medical advice from your GP.
"Remember, there will be sicker, immuno-compromised, and elderly and frail people at the surgery and in our hospitals, for whom exposure to flu could prove fatal, so think before your head out the door.”