Midwest Radio show goes ahead despite Mayo election count

TWO-thousand music fans gave a sleigh of relief last night as they learned that the Mayo constituency general election count in Castlebar will not impact on Midwest Radio’s Night With the Stars concert on February 10 in the Royal Theatre in the county town, writes TOM GILLESPIE.

Both are scheduled to take place in the theatre attached to the TF Royal Hotel.

The election count will commence in the theatre on Sunday morning, February 9, and is expected to continue well into Monday, the date for the Midwest Radio extravaganza.

Now management at the theatre have confirmed to The Connaught Telegraph that arrangements have been made with general election returning officer, Fintan J. Murphy, to transfer the count to the Ruby Room adjacent to the Royal Theatre, in the event of a clash.

Two other top-line shows, booked for the theatre over the count days, have been rescheduled for alternative dates.

The curtain on the Midwest Radio, sold-out concert, starring Mike Denver, Michel English, Jimmy and Claudia Buckley, Declan Nerney, Dominick Kirwin, Jim Devine, Barry Kirwin, the Benn Sisters, The Murphy Sisters and Eoin Mac, goes up at 8 p.m. on Monday February 10.

Royal Theatre and Traveller’s Friend Hotel boss, Pat Jennings explained: “The count is our number one priority. It will be set up as normal. We have had to reschedule a number of shows to accommodate it. The count will be going on Sunday and Sunday night and into Monday.

“If it does go into the Monday we will structure it in such a way that the count will be able to continue and we will still be able to stage the Midwest Radio Night With the Stars show in the theatre.”