Mayo gardaí investigating mobile 'phone shop break-ins

Gardaí in Mayo are investigating break-ins to two mobile telephone retail shops in Ballina in the early hours of yesterday morning.

A gang of three males arrived in a silver car and broke into Eir Retail, O'Rahilly Street, and the Three Shop, Tolan Street.

They gained entry by using a sledgehammer and were wearing balaclavas.

However, the raid on the Three Shop was foiled as a result of a new anti-burglary system, Fog Bandit.

Within seconds of a break-in, the shop was filled with an impenetrable cloud of fog, forcing the intruders to leave the premises.

The gang returned to their vehicle and left the town.

Gardaí at Ballina Garda Station are studying CCTV images of the break-ins.

They are seeking to establish what was stolen from Eir Retail but it is understood no phones were taken from the Three Shop.

When contacted, the Mayo agent for Fog Bandit, Fergus Flanagan of APM Security, Castlebar, said the system is proving a very effective security measure for high street retailers across the region.