Pauline Higgins is flying the flag for Mayo frontline workers during the Covid-19 crisis

Calls for visual signs of support for Mayo Covid-19 frontline workers

CALLS have been issued for visual signs of support outside Mayo homes and businesse premises for frontline workers fighting Covid-19.

Pauline Higgins, Claremorris, posted this message on her Facebook page.

"I have an idea that I think would be nice and a visual support to those keeping us healthy, fed, and safe.

"We should fly our national flag. I always fly my Mayo one but this time it calls for us to unite. Show our colours.

"We know how it feels for our Mayo lads to see the sea of red and green, now let the team helping us see a sea of green, white and gold."

Another reader of The Connaught Telegraph, who wished to remain anonymous, sent us the following email.

"Just a thought that wouldn't it be nice to get people to put colourful ribbons on their gates to say a huge Thank You to frontline workersin solidarity with them at this time: health workers, Garda Siochana, shopkeepers, haulage workers, the clergy, the media and  who are all doing amazing work.

"It may give them a little cheer and encouragement on their way. It would cheer us all up too."