Calls grow for the reopening of barbers

A well-known Mayo barber in the county town has called for the scheduled reopening of barbers to be brought forward, writes STUART TYNAN.

John Kelly, proprietor of Kelly's Fine Gentlemen's Grooming on Castle Street, Castlebar and a member of the recently formed Irish Barbers Council, told The Connaught Telegraph he hopes they can return to work at the beginning of Phase 3 (on June 29).

There have been fresh calls for the government and health officials to allow the industry to return to work at the end of June since a document was released by the government last Friday outlining the roads to reopening the country.

As things stands, hairdressers and barbers in Ireland are not expected to reopen until the beginning of Phase 4 (July 20) at the earliest.

One major concern for hairdressers and barbers alike is the 'black market' situation, with people offering to pay much more for a haircut than its regular price.

John has expressed concern over this situation, and revealed he and his other members of staff have turned down offers of haircuts from clients in the current climate.

“There is no control over it. It is very worrying that individuals are going from house to house doing haircuts, putting their own health at risk as well as individuals in the household.“I haven't personally done a haircut since March 14.

"I have been offered up to €50 money to cut hair but I have flatly turned down all requests. Other staff members have also been approached."

He also said that until a vaccine is found, the walk-in service many barbers use is simply not possible in the current climate and it will have to be an appointment-based service only for the foreseeable future in the interest of health and safety for staff and customers alike.

The Irish Barbers Council, which is made up of 13 members with over 30 years experience each, will be officially launching next week and are planning to submit a letter to their local TD's outlining their proposals to reopening in a safe environment.