Mayo GAA stars using brain power for good cause

Mayo footballers Aidan O’Shea and Cora Staunton will be taking on GAA rivals from Donegal, Dublin and Kerry in a quiz on Wednesday next, July 15, for Newstalk’s Off the Ball.

Jim Gavin and Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh will host the quiz which is for a good cause.

They’re trying to raise awareness for the Dublin Neurological Institute (DNI).

The reason for the quiz is bring awareness to a raffle the DNI are hosting to help raise badly needed funds.

Raffle prizes include

• A training session for your chosen team with Jim Gavin, plus O’Neills gear for you club, including bibs, balls, jerseys and cones

• Two All-Ireland football final tickets with accommodation at the luxurious Intercontinental Hotel.

To enter the raffle simply donate €20 to the DNI GoFundMe page,

Enter your full name and club and ensure your donation is marked public so it can be seen.

Prof Tim Lynch, Consultant Neurologist at the DNI, said: “The DNI is a national service. To see the support we’re getting from Aidan and Cora is amazing.

"We’re hoping the quiz will be fun and help raise the profile of our raffle so we can raise as much money as possible.

"We treat some of the most complex and difficult illnesses one can suffer from.

"This funded by the public’s generosity. We’re hoping that will continue now.”

Representing Kerry will be David Moran and Kieran Donaghy.

Dublin will have Tomas “Mossy” Quinn and Paddy Andrews.

While local rivals Donegal will be depending on Neil Gallagher and Eamon McGee.

The raffle will take place later in the month.