€1 million funding approved for Ireland West Airport Knock

FUNDING of just over €1 million has been allocated to Ireland West Airport Knock from the Department of Climate Action and Transport.

Confirming the allocation this afternoon, Deputy Michael Ring said the funding is in respect of capital works around safety and security in the airport.

Funded under the CAPEX and PPR-C Schemes of the Regional Airports Programme, the main body of funding - €569,964 - is to support the completion of the rehabilitation of the airport's 2,400 metre runway.

The airport invested close to €3 million to complete the project in addition to the exchequer funding. The overlay, which included a complete resurfacing and the installation of new ground lighting systems, is required to ensure that the runway continues to meet the strict regulations governing the operation and specification of runways at major airports.

Funding of €430,560 will support critical safety related projects which includes the replacement of aeronautical ground lighting on the airport’s runway, critical airfield maintenance and ground works and the refurbishment and upgrade of electrical infrastructure AGL and air traffic control communication, navigation and surveillance systems.

Said Deputy Ring: “This funding is a substantial boost to Ireland West Airport Knock during these very difficult times for the aviation industry. I am hopeful that this funding, like previous government funding, will help the airport to continue to develop as a top quality airport for the west and northwest of the country.”

Arthur French, chairman, Ireland West Airport, added: “We welcome today’s announcement of funding by Eamon Ryan, Minister for Climate Action, Communication Networks and Transport, and also Hildegarde Naughton, Minister of State at the Department of Transport with responsibility for aviation.

“The funding supports the airport in undertaking critical safety and security related projects and ensures the airport maintains the highest standards of regulatory compliance in these areas.

“We very much look forward to meeting with and working closely with Ministers Ryan and Naughton and their respective departments in delivering on the recommendations of the recently published Aviation Taskforce Report to support the recovery and sustainability of regional connectivity both during and post Covid-19.”