Vast majority of licensed premises continue to comply with regulations

GARDAÍ found 26 potential breach incidents of public health regulations in pubs for the week of August 17 to 23.

Under Operation Navigation, An Garda Síochána is continuing to find that the vast majority of licenced premises are in compliance with regulations and licensing laws.

Of the 26 potential breaches found in the past week, files will now be prepared for the DPP in each case.

In all these cases, gardaí found customers consuming alcohol but no evidence of food also being consumed and no evidence of receipts to show that food had been sold.

The cumulative total of potential breach incidents since Operation Navigation began is now 165.

Deputy Commissioner, Policing and Security, John Twomey said: “The continued high level of compliance among licensed premises is very welcome. Unfortunately, there are still some that are putting their employees, their customers and their local community at risk of getting Covid-19.

“Customers of such licensed premises also have a responsibility to help reduce the spread of Covid-19 to protect their family, friends and neighbours.

“It is vital that we individually and collectively follow the public health advice and adhere to the public health regulations to reduce the number of people getting Covid-19.”