Newly-ordained Bishop outlines his vision for Diocese of Achonry

FATHER Paul Dempsey has been ordained as Bishop of Achonry this afternoon.

The Carlow native, who grew up in Kildare, had been due to be ordained earlier this year, but the Covid-19 pandemic saw the celebration postponed.

Archbishop Michael Neary was principal consecrator at the episcopal ordination in the cathedral in Ballaghaderreen, joined by co-consecrators, His Excellency Archbishop Jude Thaddeus Okolo, Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland, and Bishop Denis Nulty of Kildare & Leighlin, with limited attendance due to the coronavirus guidelines.

Bishop Dempsey has chosen as his motto 'Duc in Altum', meaning 'Put out into the deep', taken from Luke 5:4. 

In a passage where Peter and the disciples were fed up and tired, Jesus appeared, challenging them to go further out into unchartered waters, dropping their nets in a deep place that involved more work, more energy, more effort than staying by the safe shoreline.

He commented: “Surely this must resonate with us in the Church today. Perhaps we have become satisfied with the shoreline, the place that is familiar and safe? Or do we hear that call of Christ?

“My vision, my hope, my dream for the Diocese of Achonry is that we, the people, priests, religious and bishop, listen to that call of Christ in a renewed way today.

"Let’s not be prisoners of mediocrity, but agents of hope. Let us not be held back by the voices that say 'We have always done it this way'.”

He added: “In recent months we’ve become familiar with the saying 'We’re in this together'.

"As a diocese we’re on this faith journey together, as a diocese we listen to and discern the call of Christ together, as a diocese we share the mission together.”

Archbishop Neary, in his introduction, noted how the Church had just celebrated the feast of St. Augustine.

“In the office of bishop, St. Augustine placed huge importance on being included in the prayers of the people,” he said.

“His comments provide a beautiful portrait of pastoral ministry.

“I have no doubt but that our new bishop, in keeping with his name, Paul, will invest his ministry with responsibility, love, service and self-giving.”

* More in our print edition, in shops Tuesday morning