LETTER OF THE WEEK: Every town everywhere should have a Johnny Mee!


EVERY town should have a Johnny Mee.

I often wonder if the people of Castlebar realise how lucky they are to have him living in their midst and also writing his column 'Auld Stock' in The Connaught Telegraph.

Johnny is the epitome of what auld stock stands for.

He rose from humble beginnings to be the best known citizen in the town.

I don't think there is any organisation in Castlebar that Johnny has not been associated with, all in a voluntary capacity.

Growing up in Castlebar, if Johnny Mee mentioned you in his soccer column you were on a high for a week.

Too bad Johnny is not President of the USA.

if he was, Covid would be out of here lickety spit.

Yours sincerely,

Kieran McHale,



(Formerly of Marian Row, Castlebar.)