Mayo's Michael is Teagasc Student of the Year finalist
MAYO'S Michael Cunnane is a finalist in the Teagasc Student of the Year Awards, sponsored by FBD.
The awards celebrate the achievements of students in Teagasc colleges and centres across the country, and the winners will be announced live online at a virtual event next Monday night at 7 p.m.
Mayo representative Michael Cunnane comes from Tooreen, Ballyhaunis, and completed the Level 6 Specific Purpose Certificate in Farming with Teagasc.
He moved home to take over the family farm on his father’s retirement and also works off the farm.
Michael runs a suckler herd and found his Teagasc course invaluable in regard to grass management and improvement, use of paddocks, cost control, livestock husbandry and made lifelong friends.