Rates freeze in Mayo for 2021

COMMERCIAL rates will remain unchanged in Mayo in 2021 after the adoption of Mayo County Council's annual budget today (Monday).

Members approved what was described as a 'progressive' budget of €159 million, with the focus being on 'people and place'.

A number of amendments on spending were proposed by Fianna Fáil Councillor Damien Ryan, including an immediate grant of €150,000 for Ireland West Airport, €50,000 for a mental health and wellbeing campaign in the county, €30,000 for the retention, enhancement and development of facilities at GMIT's Castlebar campus, including the establishment of a steering group, and an additional €50,000 match funding for tourism.

Councillors supported the amendments, with the budget – which is an increase of 7.4% on 2020 - adopted in full at a meeting that lasted two hours at the Royal Theatre.

Fine Gael Councillor Peter Flynn also asked for three commitments in respect of the council examining its IT costs, how key projects are delivered under the capital programme, and he called for a review of all support services and how to make them more efficient.

His party colleague Councillor Jarlath Munnelly pointed out how there were no cuts to services in the county.

The financial support received from central government was acknowledged, as well as additional funding from LPT approved by councillors.

Commented interim chief executive Peter Duggan: “It's about people and place. It will enable us to maintain services at an optimum level.

“There is support for local businesses and local communities.”

Councillor Ryan agreed that in the dark days economically and pandemic-wise, there is now 'light on the horizon'.

It was, he said, a progressive budget that identifies key areas for investment.

Councillor Flynn said they had been presented with a 'document of substance', which focuses on things that matter to communities and businesses.