Anger in childcare sector over lockdown snub

Early Childhood Ireland has sharply criticised the move by government to treat early years and childcare providers differently to schools in the latest Covid-19 measures.

The organisation – which has 3,800 members nationwide, supporting over 100,000 children and their families – said it was deeply unhelpful to separate out crèches and childcare facilities from the wider education system.

Schools are to remain closed until January 11 under the revised plans agreed by Cabinet.

The following is a letter from a childcare provider to the Minister Roderick O' Gorman.

It expresses how childcare professionals in Ireland felt - totally disrespected and completely ignored in this pandemic.

Dear Minister,

"It was with complete shock and a sense of yet again being let down, I watched the announcement tonight.

"We did everything humanly possible to reopen our service safely on June 29.

"Not just for the families we service but also for the wonderful staff who make that possible

"We as a profession led the way for the educational sector and did so without any PPE.

"We performed our role as early years professionals to exemplary standards.

"I can speak personally for my own service which just passed a TUSLA covid specific inspection in the week before Christmas with 100% and no identified non compliance’s.

"Well done us but it demonstrates the standards to which we operate.

"So as the situation gets progressively worse as face our darkest days with this pandemic our wonderful profession gets to witness yet again how little is thought of us at government level.

"There is no doubt that it is recognised that we are essential to keeping our economy open.

"And yes that was both accepted and indeed applauded in some small quiet manner earlier this year.

"Now when it comes to a time where respect could be afforded to the very professionals who are doing their best daily to keep the economy on its feet what happens, we are completely overlooked.

"Do I think we should remain shut? Absolutely not!

"But do I think we should reopen as normal on January 4. Absolutely not.

"We should be afforded at least the same respect as was given to the teachers and SNAs - our fellow professionals.

"It’s not too late to do the right thing for all the early years professionals out there who have no special immunity to Covid-19 and are feeling terribly let down tonight by those who should have have led the way in supporting them.

"It is time for a new era where respect is freely given to our sector because we are so deserving of it - as opposed to having to do the usual thing - beg for it."