MAYO COVID HEROES NO. 1: Ella Burns, Westport

by Stuart Tynan

THE past year is one nobody will ever forget.

Covid-19 came into our lives and changed everything in so many different ways.

But it was also a year in which the human spirit triumphed over adversity throughout society and beyond.

While the outstanding and courageous work of those on the frontline fighting the pandemic will always hold a special place in Irish history, there were others who contributed to the betterment of their communities in their own selfless and good-natured way.

They are, to be fair, far too numerous to mention as people in general were simply fantastic in responding to adversity.

But it would be a shame, as the year ends, not to acknowledge some of them, thus our selection of Covid Heroes in this special feature.

It is true that while Covid may have brought out the worst in us at times, it certainly brought out the best of us too.

Well done to everybody and they will all be featured in individual posts today and tomorrow.

Our first selection is:


The 21-year-old Mayo woman cycled 65km every day in a week back in April in aid of Cystic Fibrosis Ireland from her home in Westport.

Ella, who lives with the condition, decided to take on the challenge to help raise funds for CF Ireland.

CF Awareness Week was cancelled due to Covid, with all associated fundraising activities cancelled also.

A competitive swimmer since primary school in Westport, Ella had built up a reserve of fitness prior to a health setback where she battled an infection for a number of months.

So it was also about her own personal challenge after a very difficult ten months living with her CF.

Equipment was supplied by Anthony Murray and Lorraine Mulchrone from the Westport Bike Shop as she cycled 325km without leaving her home.

She had set an initial target of €1,000, but raised €4,000 in less than one day.

In total, she raised €13,182.04 for the charity.