Home sharing with Western Care Association is rewarding
Have you room in your home, room in your heart?
by Erin Scott
Established over 30 years ago, home sharing has become a popular choice of respite - and on occasion full-time living option - for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
Home sharing, as the name states, is sharing your home with another individual and including them in your everyday life activities, where possible.
It is that simple and rewarding.
People can offer to share with adults or children of different abilities. It can be long term, short term, full time or part time.
Western Care Association endeavours to cater a placement that suits both parties. This is what makes it so successful.
Anyone can apply and if you are willing to undertake the assessment and training, once you’re approved you are opened up to a new world.
Home sharing has huge rewards for the provider. Not only the knowledge that you are helping, encouraging and enhancing a person’s choices and experiences but also giving their whole family quality time and respite.
Constant caring can be demanding and at times may become overwhelming. The provision of home sharing has been found to reduce stress, strain and burn out in families - and so provide a valuable means of enhancing families coping resources.
As some families don’t have the option of help or support from family, neighbours or friends, the availability of home share can be a more ‘natural’ inclusive option.
Families of the child/adult generally feedback that they like the informality of home sharing. It is like an extended family. And relationships build over time.
Families and the person like having someone who has a genuine interest in them and a support network outside of their home. They enjoy having a home to go to and chill out in.
People of all ages and from all situations apply for their own reasons.
Many apply as they are aware of the impact of disability on a family and wish to help out.
A lady provides respite fortnightly to a young lady, and loves that she has someone with similar interests to go to the theatre with and the cinema. The two have developed a lovely friendship as a result.
Others apply for social reasons - a retired couple advised that they were excited to get out to playgrounds and children’s areas again. They found they missed this element after their own children had left home.
All ages can avail of this service and we consider all family units. This is why it works. There can be a match for everyone!
During Covid-19 the demand for this service has increased. Our waiting list have grown and we are now looking to recruit home share providers opportunities into the future.
There are many children and adults in local communities that are seeking respite.
In particular, we urgently need someone in the Ballina area, for a younger child with a mild learning disability.
We are looking for a commitment of one Sunday a fortnight for three hours in the afternoon and this may grow over time.
In the Castlebar area we are trying to match a young adult for the last Wednesday of every month as a new opportunity and one that will develop over the months ahead. We have many more unique situations just looking for that chance to enjoy a break in a loving home.
If you feel you would be interested and this is something you would like to be part of and you have room in your heart and your home please contact Western Care duty social work line Monday to Friday, 9.15 a.m. to 5 p.m., on (094) 9029100 for more information.
We are waiting for your call.
(Erin Scott is a Home Sharing Link Social Worker, Social Work Department, Western Care Association, John Moore Road, Castlebar).