Passing of popular Erris businessman who gave outstanding service to his community

Warm tributes has been paid to Buddy Valkenburg, Quay Street, Belmullet, whose death has taken place.

In his mid-80s, the deceased was a widely popular and respected businessman who gave outstanding service to his community, most notably in respect of sea angling development and the RNLI, an organisation which presented him with an Honorary Life Governor Award in 2014 for his dedication and commitment over many years.

Buddy was also founder member Belmullet Sea Angling Club.

Pat Walsh, president of the Connaught Council of the Irish Federation of Sea Angling, said the deceased was one of the most community orientated people that he ever had the pleasure of knowing and he worked tirelessly to achieve his aims.

He continued: "Early on in his life Buddy realised the value of the marine environment to an area such as Belmullet and Erris.

"It could be used as an enterprising potential and as a sporting asset in conjunction with one another.

"In those days, the early sixties, the sea around the north Mayo coast had fish in abundance. It could justly claim to have 37 different species of domestic fish in its inshore waters with big game fish close by in its deeper waters.

"Buddy and a few of his friends, sadly, all who have gone to their eternal reward, recognised the potential and decided to establish a sea angling club.

"They approached the local inshore fishermen, who operated a fleet of worthy sea going boats that could be used for the project.

"The fishermen were more than willing to help. He and his co-workers also recognised the importance of safety in all sea related activities.

"Thus the Belmullet Sea Angling club was born and the idea of inviting the Royal National Lifeboat Institute to establish one of their 'life saving at sea stations' in or near the Erris area was conceived. With Buddy and his friends at the helm, both enterprises thrived."

Mr. Walsh said Buddy represented Belmullet on the council of the Irish Federation of Sea Anglers and was one of its main motivators and promoters.

"He became a very active member at all levels of the association with some excellent results. Sea angling was actively promoted and attracted anglers to places like Erris from all over the country, the British Isles, the European continent and further afield.

"Competitions were hosted and run with considerable success by clubs such as Belmullet, Achill, Wesport, Ballina and Kilalla.

"A notable success was the world Boat Angling Championships held in Westport in 1991.

"Buddy and his co-workers were very conscious of the conservation of fish stocks and so they introduced the system of only bringing one of each variety of fish ashore for weigh-in.

"It was called 'the variety system and it became very popular.

"The glory days continued until the turn of the century when some people who should have known better decided to impose a ‘safety regime’ consisting of 'a belt and braces' type situation that put angling beyond the affordability of the established customers, leaving sea angling today in Ireland at a low ebb.

"Buddy and the association vigorously opposed the regime but to no avail.

"In 1972 Buddy and his sea-angling colleagues started a campaign to have a life saving at sea station of the RNLI established in the Erris area.

"They presented the fact that the area was being promoted as and had the potential to become a major marine activity centre that was worthy of and in need of a lifeboat service.

"They set to work with enthusiasm. After a lot of hard work and research their efforts were rewarded. The Ballyglass area of Erris and Belmullet were chosen as the location for the lifeboat moorings and station.

On August 26, 1989, The Royal National Life Boat, City of Bradford 1V, escorted by a Naval Corvette, the Irish Lights ship, the local fishing fleet, and a number of pleasure crafts, proudly sailed into Ballyglass to a rousing welcome and reception, given by civic and religious leaders together with local dignitaries, and thousands of wellwishers.

Buddy's efforts on behalf of the life saving at sea institution since 1972 were recognised in recent years when he was conferred with the honorary title of Governor of the RNLI.

"Buddy was a man dedicated to the wellbeing of his home area. He was quick to recognise improvement projects and he gave of his best to implement them without looking for thanks or recognition.

"He promoted what he thought was best for his area with vigour and enthusiasm but when or if the committee in charge decided otherwise he respected their decision and honoured it completely.

"Buddy Valkenburg was a man that I and many like me can consider ourselves privileged to have been able to call him our friend.

A tribute to him on the Ballyglass RNLI Facebook page stated: "Buddy, as everybody knew him, was a quite character who had the betterment of Erris in his heart and mind.

"In the early 1960s Buddy set about forming Belmullet Sea Angling Club which has gained recognition the world over.

"From Valkenburg’s shop in Belmullet, Buddy wrote to invite anglers to Erris from around the country before branching out to the UK and further afield.

'Knowing the dangers of the sea around Erris and the popularity of angling growing steadily, Buddy began in the early 1970S to correspond with the RNLI, with a view to having a station in Erris.

"Buddy and the late Paddy Leech, among others, never gave up on the idea, which many called a dream.

"On August 26, 1989, the “City of Bradford |V” steamed into Broadhaven Bay under escort from the Irish Navy and a floatilla of local boats.

"The dream was a reality, Buddy and his colleagues were commended and congratulated by local dignitaries and religious leaders.

"From holding every role in Belmullet Sea Angling Club, Buddy went on to hold every role in Ballyglass RNLI and his dedication to the service of the RNLI was rewarded in 2014 when Buddy was made an Honorary Life Governor of the RNLI, the highest honour the organisation can bestow on anybody.

"No one deserved it more than Buddy.

'It will never be known the hours of his time he gave to the betterment of Erris, attending numerous meetings, offering his advice to committees and individuals alike, and never taking offence if his advice was not taken.

"From an early age we remember Buddy Valkenburg fitting shoes onto the feet of men women and children in their shop in Belmullet.

"But we will always remember Buddy as being one of the finest people to have ever 'stood in shoe leather'.

"May Heaven’s bed be yours forever more. It was our pleasure to have known you and it was our honour to have you as our friend.

"Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam usal."

Deepest sympathy is extended to the Valkenburg family on their loss.