Covid: 460,637 doses of vaccine administered

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been notified of nine additional deaths related to Covid-19.

Four deaths occurred in March, three occurred in February and one in January.

There is one death where the date of death is under investigation.

The median age of those who died was 82 years and the age range was 69-94 years.

There has been a total of 4,405 Covid-19 related deaths in Ireland.

As of midnight on Thursday the HPSC has been notified of 522 new confirmed cases, bringing the total to 222,169.

They include six in Mayo, the county having 244 new cases in the past two weeks.

The county's 14-day incidence rate down to 187 - narrowly above the national average of 185.1.

Of the cases notified today:

275 are men and 243 are women.

67% are under 45 years of age.

The median age is 33 years old.

280 in Dublin, 28 in Meath, 28 in Kildare, 26 in Cork and 19 in Donegal and the remaining 141 cases are spread across 19 other counties

As of 8 a.m. today, 426 Covid-19 patients are hospitalised, of which 102 are in ICU.

There have been 34 additional hospitalisations in the past 24 hours.

Numbers of people vaccinated

As of last Tuesday there have been 460,637 doses of Covid-19 vaccine administered in Ireland.

316,056 people have received their first dose.

144,581 people have received their second dose.