Keep Mayo banks open – online public meeting

MAYO Sinn Féin TD Rose Conway-Walsh and Councillor Gerry Murray are hosting an online public meeting on Monday, March 8, calling for the Bank of Ireland branches in Mayo to remain open.

Said Deputy Conway-Walsh: “For our towns and communities to thrive, we need our local bank branches to stay open.

“In the middle of a pandemic, when customers and businesses are under severe pressure, Bank of Ireland - which was bailed out to the tune of €4.7 billion by the Irish people - should not be closing local bank branches.

“Keeping our local branches in Ballyhaunis, Charlestown and Kiltimagh open is crucial for our community.

“We are inviting anyone with an interest in banking services in Mayo to register for this meeting by e-mailing

“There is an important role for the government here. As a key shareholder in Bank of Ireland, the Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe, needs to stand up for local communities facing the closure of their bank branches.”