The Mayo Vaccination Centre at Breaffy Sports and Events Arena.

Operations set to roll at Mayo's main vaccination hub

The head of HSE West, Tony Canavan, has confirmed the Mayo Covid-19 vaccination centre at the Breaffy House Events Arena has been set up to commence operations.

The facility has been fully equipped and a vaccine team is poised to move on site.

A recruitment campaign began six weeks ago and a number of appointments have been made.

It is expected, however, that the facility will not be fully operational until mid-March.

Mr. Canavan explained: "When we actually start the general public vaccination is entirely dependent on when the vaccine becomes available - but we expect it by the middle of March.

“This is the biggest vaccine programme ever across the state. To date we are somewhat limited by vaccine availability but expect that to change in the next few weeks.

“We have access to three vaccines now and more are coming on stream. We will work to ensure our ambition to roll it out as quickly as possible to all is achieved.

“Getting the vaccine is voluntary and it will be available to everybody free of charge. We hope to have a strong take-up from the public. The pace of vaccination is only limited by supply of the vaccine.

“GPs will play a very significant role in administering the vaccine to the general public, either in their practice or in designated hubs. They could turn out to be administering 50% of all vaccines with their vaccination of the public.

“We are conscious of the needs of people living in remote locations, including west and north Mayo and the islands, and will ensure everyone can get a vaccine as soon as possible.”

Mr. Cavavan appealed to the public to maintain Covid-19 guidelines to tackle the current third wave of infection and has stressed that the roll-out of the vaccination programme is now top priority.

He stated: “Since the end of January there has been a gradual reducing of Covid-positive cases in our hospitals and ICU as well as the number of staff off from work. But the impact of Covid has been incredible and this wave reminds us how deadly it can be.

"We must remember all in our communities who have lost their lives and redouble our efforts to comply again with regulations and remain vigilant over the coming months.”