Councillor Richard Finn

Reason for optimism but don't become Covid complacent - Mayo council meeting told

THERE is reason for optimism, the people of Mayo were told today (Monday), as they were urged to continue following the Covid-19 regulations.

In his monthly update on the pandemic, the cathaoirleach of Mayo County Council, Councillor Richard Finn, noted how the situation has improved in the past month and there is now more light at the end of the tunnel, with vaccinations being rolled out and case numbers coming down.

However, he reminded people that if we don't continue following the regulations none of us will be safe.

A lot of work has been done and lot of work still has to be done. “We cannot afford complacency,” he urged.

Councillor Finn also touched on 'the blame game', saying it helps no one.

And he urged that if people keep positive we will see the end to this crisis sooner rather than later.

Interim chief executive Peter Duggan said thankfully Covid numbers have been declining, but they are still relatively high and he urged people to continue to adhere to the public health advice to bring them down further.

“There is light at the end of the tunnel and I urge people to stick with it for a little bit longer,” he said.

The Mayo Community Call-line is still open – on (096) 906 4660 - to support anyone feeling isolated or who might need some support. The helpline is open seven days a week.