Latest Covid report from Mayo University Hospital

The number of positive Covid cases in care at Mayo University Hospital (MUH) has not changed over the past 24 hours, staying at 34.

Three new confirmed cases were admitted to the Castlebar facility between 8 p.m. yesterday and 8 p.m. on March 7.

The latest HSE report from the facility was compiled at 8 p.m. yesterday.

MUH's virus figures are still the fourth highest in the country, the list still headed by the St. James's Hospital, Dublin, with 46, down by five.

Galway University Hospital has nine positive cases in care, up by one, while Sligo University Hospital has four, a drop of three.

There are 10 suspected cases at the Castlebar centre, an increase of one, and one confirmed case in the facility's ICU, a fall of one. There are no suspected cases in Castlebar ICU.

Nationally, the number of hospitalised confirmed cases now stands at 392, a decrease of 28.

The number of patients in intensive care units nationally is 101, a drop of two.

There are no vacant general beds and three vacant critical care beds at MUH.

A total of 10 new confirmed cases were identified in Mayo by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre yesterday evening, bringing the total to 201 for the past two weeks.

It leaves the county with a 14-day incidence rate of 154 - above the national average of 167.