Dereliction is very evident at Ellison Street, Castlebar.

Return to town centre living suggested as solution to Mayo dereliction issues

Dereliction is holding Castlebar back and Mayo County Council must set out new targets for a massive increase in residential units in the town centre, a former town councillor has stated.

In a submission to the Castlebar Town & Environs Local Area Plan 2021-2027, Harry Barrett elaborated: “We are in the middle of a housing crisis and Castlebar has an inordinate amount of derelict buildings that have been left in poor condition for well over 10 years.

“Mayo County Council has been very slack in identifying derelict properties and in adding them to the derelict sites register.

"Dereliction in a town centre is nothing but land hoarding and is morally unacceptable when there is a massive need for residential supply and new accommodation units.

“I want any new plan to set out how the Derelict Sites Act 1990 will be used to deal with the problem. I want to see targets set and met over the period of the plan.

“Dealing with this issue will help to ameliorate my second issue and that is is the provision of extra residential units in the town centre.

“Similarly, I would want any new area plan to set out targets for the provision of at least 250 units over the period in the centre of Castlebar.

“In seeking to secure the delivery of at least 250 additional residential units, this aims to support the sustainability of the town centre of Castlebar as both a key focus for economic growth and its role as a social centre serving its catchment community.

“If this issue is to be taken seriously it must be targeted and a number of residential units must be laid down in the plan and set out for delivery over the specific time period.”