Vaccinated over 80s should be granted more freedoms

MAYO Fianna Fáil Senator Lisa Chambers is urging for older people to get the benefits of receiving a Covid-19 vaccination.

Speaking in the Seanad, Senator Chambers said: “My view is that there must be some benefit to receiving the vaccine. The over 80s, when fully vaccinated, should get a vaccine bonus and be granted more freedoms.

“I don’t think younger people will begrudge older people getting back to living and using public amenities once they’re vaccinated.”

She continued: “There is no need to keep everyone locked up while we wait to vaccinate younger cohorts. Older people have already lost a full year and it has been very isolating. A year to someone in their 80s and 90s is a long time so let’s not take any more time from them.

“I see no reason why someone in their 80s or front-line health care workers who are fully vaccinated cannot access the public pool facilities in Castlebar that are opened to elite athletes.”

Senator Chambers also called for a debate to be had in the Seanad in advance of the potential re-opening on April 5.

She said: “There is a debate to be had in advance of what we hope is the imminent lifting of some restrictions after April 5. It would be wise to give members in the House an opportunity to have a debate in which we can put the views expressed to us from people right across the country as to how they want to progress in the next phase.

“We need to provide hope and a pathway out of this and a debate in this house to discuss how we might do that is necessary.”