Call for December embargo on town centre works

A COUNCILLOR has called for an embargo on town centre works in the lead-up to Christmas.

The request made by Ballyhaunis Councillor John Cribbin at a local municipal district meeting will be sent to Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII).

Councillor Cribben said there should be more coordination between TII and the council about different works schemes, and projects in town centre streets should not take place after December 1.

He highlighted a situation in his own town where a business had advertised a two-day promotion before Christmas last, only to find on the day it started that TII had machinery outside for a road overlay contract.

When contacted, the council knew nothing about it.

The promotion, he said, was going to be a win-win for the business and customers, but instead the overlay works on the street had caused 'mayhem'.

Works of this nature, said Councillor Cribben, should be done before December 1. The weeks leading up to Christmas are crucial for businesses.

He was supported by his colleagues that works should be completed before the busy Christmas period.

It was also agreed that TII should be requested to keep the local engineers in the loop about what works they are doing in an area.