Mayo TD concerned over high cost for HPV vaccine

A Mayo TD is questioning why the human papilloma virus, HPV vaccine, is not covered under the drugs payment scheme for women who are advised to get it by their consultants or medical practitioners.

Deputy Rose Conway-Walsh explained: "The reason I ask is that the cost of the HPV vaccine is €600.

"Many families and women who do not qualify for a medical card because the thresholds are so low are under severe financial pressure.

"Forcing them to pay €600 for a medical intervention that is deemed necessary by their medical practitioners demonstrates to me that we have not learned from the cervical screening scandal and that we are not listening to women.

"The Minister for Health must review the exclusion of the HPV vaccine from the drugs payment scheme and to liaise with national immunisation advisory committee, NIAC, to ensure that women who are deemed to be a high risk can have it without pushing them into further financial stress."

In response, Taoiseach Micheál Martin said he will engage with Minister Donnelly and ask him to examine the issue.

"I will also ask him to liaise with NIAC and to revert back," he added.