The Christmas tree at Market Square in Castlebar.

Christmas trees in county town are coming down

THE Christmas trees in Castlebar are set to come down next Tuesday.

Their position was questioned at a municipal district meeting this week, where Councillor Donna Sheridan asked if there were there any plans to take the trees down.

She was told there has been some 'interesting comments' about the trees in The Connaught Telegraph.

The trees are due to come down on Tuesday was the information received.

There has been a lot of debate recently about the trees, with colleague Councillor Ger Deere suggesting that the Christmas tree still in place at Market Square be transformed into an Easter tree.

Back in 2013, Castlebar Town Council launched an Easter tree, along with a large delegation from Höchstadt, at Marsh House to celebrate the twinning between the two towns.

The Easter Tree, or Ostereierbaum, is a German tradition dating back centuries.

The tree at Market Square was decorated last week in yellow in a tribute to late local resident Leo O'Shaughnessy, the colour of his beloved mayflowers.

Councillor Deere, after the meeting, said he will be placing the messages and flowers from the tree on Leo's grave.

There has been a huge response to the idea of an Easter tree, he said, and next year they will involve the schools in decorating the trees in Market Square.