Pilgrims on Croagh Patrick.

Maximising Mayo's pilgrim trails

MAYO needs to look at maximising its pilgrim trails.

Westport Councillor Peter Flynn wants it discussed at the next tourism committee meeting of Mayo County Council.

The county, he said, boasts trails such as the Tochar Phádraig and Croagh Patrick trail, which incorporates the Bohea Stone.

He described the Bohea Stone, which at nearly 5,000 years old is older than the pyramids, as being 'hidden behind some bushes'.

These religious trails will come up on Google as among the top five in the country.

“We have something special on our doorsteps, which covers quite a significant section of the county,” said Councillor Flynn.

He requested it be included on the agenda for the next committee meeting so they can give it more focus and figure out how to maximise its potential.