Keel beach in Achill.

Bathing waters at Mayo beaches are of high standard

AS more people enjoy our natural amenities, and particularly swimming, the EPA has reported high standards in water quality at Mayo beaches.

Twelve of the 15 beaches tested over the past year returned standards of 'excellent', with the other three being 'good'.

Golden Strand in Achill improved its rating from good to excellent.

Bertra was the only beach to drop back, from excellent to good.

The classifications are: Bertra Beach, Murrisk, Good; Carrowmore Beach, Louisburgh, Excellent; Carrowniskey, Louisburgh, Good; Clare Island, Excellent; Dooega Beach, Achill Island, Excellent; Dugort Beach, Achill Island, Excellent; Elly Bay, Belmullet, Excellent; Golden Strand, Achill Island, Excellent; Keel Beach, Achill Island, Excellent; Keem Beach, Achill Island, Excellent; Mullaghroe Beach, Belmullet, Excellent; Mulranny Beach, Excellent; Old Head, Louisburgh, Good; Rinroe Beach, Carrowtigue, Excellent; and Ross Beach, Killala, Excellent.

Overall, bathing water quality improved across the country in 2020. However, the report highlights that water quality can change quickly in the short term, especially during rainfall events which can wash pollution into our bathing waters.

Swimmers should always check for the most up to date water quality information for their local bathing site.

Local authorities take samples of bathing waters just before and during the bathing water season, which runs from June 1 to September 15, at least once a month. However, many sample once a fortnight, and even once a week in some areas.