Councillor Martin McLoughlin

Concern at Mayo lakes not being restocked by IFI

THERE is concern that lakes are not being restocked by Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI).

The issue was raised in relation to lakes in Islandeady by Councillor Martin McLoughlin.

A competition - the McConville Cup - was ran there annually, he told the CEO and chairman of IFI at a council meeting, but it had ceased because of lack of fish in the lakes.

The event attracted many anglers from Northern Ireland.

Stock was provided every year by the fisheries board, but that had stopped, so there are no stock going into Bilberry Lake. This was of huge concern to the community and it has a huge knock-on affect.

Whose responsibility was it and he asked why it was stopped. It was of huge importance to angling on the lakes in Islandeady.