€1.5m. funding boost for 38 Mayo roads as projects are outlined

Mayo TD Alan Dillon has welcomed over €1.5 million in funding for road projects around the county.

The funding has been confirmed by Ministers Eamon Ryan and Hildegarde Naughton as part of a climate adaptation investment programme for regional and local roads.

The types of projects approved for funding include schemes aimed at alleviating flooding to roads, bridge strengthening and repairs, embankment stability measures to protect the road and prevent slippage, altering the level of the road to mitigate flooding and reduce road closure frequency, road edge protection measures and the replacement/repair of seawalls or retaining walls which support regional and local roads.

Deputy Dillon said: “A total of 38 road projects around Mayo have received funding to help make them more climate resilient and should hopefully reduce the impact of weather-related damage in future.

"The largest project will be the replacement and repair of the sea wall in Belmullet, which has received a specific improvement grant of €400,000.

"There has been a demand for the sea wall project to commence for some time and it is great to see funding being put in place.”

“Three road projects in Crossmolina have been allocated over €246,000 for flood relief-related works and it is great this level of investment is taking place after the visit by OPW Minister, Patrick O’Donovan TD, earlier this week.

" I look forward to the over €1.5 million of roads funidng being put to good use as quickly as possible and making sure our road network in Mayo is improved before the winter months.”

The full list of project earmarked for works are as follows.

L1106 Crossmolina Flooding 1A -L1106 - (Garretts Road) Surveys, Investigations, Testing, Reports & Works€161,290

L5655 Cahernagollum - Raise road and repair road due to flood damage€20,900

L56603 Carheens - Raise road over flood €23,600

L5666 Ballynalty - Raise road over flood€42,000

L5665 Ballynalty - Raise road over flood and drainage works€31,740

L56319 Glenmask Road - Containment rock armour at base of embankment €37,000

L5717 Snugborough Flood Relief - Raise road level, provide stream edge barrier €42,830

L1810 Islandeady Flood Relief - New culvert to contain surge flood€26,500

L1725 Garryduff, Castlebar - New culvert to increase capacity and contain surge flood €76,000

R324 R324 Pollavaddy Flood Relief - Increase pipe capacity, de-sludge existing channel and replace damaged covers on manholes€36,750

R310 Pontoon - Retaining Wall Reinforce roadside wall / bank along lake€44,200

L5162-30 Crossmolina Flooding 2 - L5162 to 30 Rathmore Road Roadside Drainage, Banking & Strengthening €40,000

R332 Milford Demesne - Drainage works to relieve flood and repair road €8,150

L5640 Lissatava - Drainage works and repair road due to flood damage €23,650

L5535 Coolmeen/Five Cross roads - Raise road over flood and rebuild boundary walls along with accomodation works €62,015

L16064 Knockalinsky - Repair road due to flood damage €14,000

L1611 Cregduff - Raise road over flood and install drainage pipe under road. €48,020

L5659 Ballyshingadaun Repair road due to flooding and drainage works €15,325

R332 Hollymount - Drainage works to relieve flood €3,200

L1611 Carrowmore - Raise road over flood €18,080

L-1512-36 Culnacleha (Farnaun) - Raise & repair road due to flood damage €6,720

L-1917-20 Coogue South - Hydrochambre, drainage & repair road due to flood damage €12,000

L55631 Lawaus - Raise road over flood level €11,000

L-15097 Ballyglass Cemetery (Kileenrevagh diversion road) - Raise & repair road due to flood damage €20,000

L-5553 Logboy/ Carrickmacantire Hydrochamber, drainage & raise road over flood level €16,000

L5562 Cuillaun - Raise & repair road due to flood damage €49,125

L-15032 Rockfield 1 - Drainage & repair road due to flood damage €6,125

L-15032 Rockfield 2 - Raise & repair road due to flood damage €7,875

L5531 Caltra (1 & 2) Raise & repair road due to flood damage €13,125

L-5539 Portagh (1, 2, 3) - Raise & repair road due to flood damage €22,900

L-1610 Seefin Hydrochambre, drainage & repair road due to flood damage €5,500

L1615 Ramolin Drainage work to relieve flood €17,900

L5160-30 Crossmolina Flooding 3 - Forrew Road Roadside Drainage, Banking & Strengthening €45,000

L1615 Ballisnahyny - Drainage works and repairs to road due to flood damage €16,475

L5631 Glenmask Road Protection - Reinstate verge / bank along road edge to existing bridges to provide retaining structure€43,000

L5740 Brownhall Flood Relief - Drainage to resolve flooding €24,000

R324 Ballyclogher Flood Relief - Raise road level, construct sump in field and install pipe to existing soakpit in field €24,750

L17252 Carrowbrinogue, Castlebar- New culvert to increase capacity and contain surge flood €14,000

Bunduaile Sea Wall Scheme – Specific Improvement Grant €400,000

TOTAL FUNDING €1,530,745

Welcoming the funding, Deputy Michael Ring said: “I am pleased that this funding is being allocated as severe weather events can present major challenges to roads users and to the road infrastructure.

"This funding will help Mayo County Council ensure that our roads are safer for all road users.”

Castlebar Councillor Ger Deere said he is delighted to see funding in place for a flood relief project at Garryduff and Snugboro as well as works being carried out at Carrowbrinogue and Islandeady areas.