EirGrid brief Mayo County Council on Shaping Our Electricity Future

EIRGRID chief infrastructure officer Michael Mahon briefed members of Mayo County Council this week on the company’s plans to transform Ireland’s electricity system.

EirGrid, operator of the national electricity grid, provided information on Shaping Our Electricity Future, a new initiative that details innovative approaches to developing the electricity grid in order to meet ambitious 2030 renewable energy targets.

The company, along with Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, Eamon Ryan, launched the initiative in March and is seeking feedback as part of a 14-week nationwide public consultation.

Mr. Mahon told councillors: “EirGrid has been asked by the government to transform the electricity system in anticipation of a future without coal, oil, peat and ultimately one with nett zero emissions. Specifically, it must redevelop the grid to manage 70% of Ireland’s electricity coming from renewable sources by 2030.”

Shaping Our Electricity Future comprises four approaches to achieving this, as well as meeting the projected increase demand for electricity over the coming years.

1. Generation-Led: Government policy would influence where renewable energy is generated – favouring locations where the grid is already strong.

2. Developer-Led: In this approach, we continue to connect new sources of renewable electricity as requested in any location.

3. Technology-Led: This approach uses technical solutions to make the grid more resilient so it can better handle the variable nature of renewable energy.

4. Demand-Led: Government policy determines where large energy users locate in Ireland.

Mr. Mahon also provided updates on local grid development initiatives and answered questions from councillors.

People can find out more about the public consultation and how to have their say in Shaping Ireland’s Electricity Future by visiting https://consult.eirgrid.ie/.