Killary Fjord, one of the wonders of the Joyce Country and Western Lakes region.

International tourism conference for Mayo/Galway geopark area

THE Joyce Country and Western Lakes geopark project, led by Geological Survey Ireland and funded mainly by the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund from the Department of Rural and Community Development, is hosting a two-day virtual conference of talks, discussion and workshops today (Tuesday) and Wednesday, June 16.

Everyone with an interest in this area of north Galway/south Mayo, geoparks, rural tourism, and local business networking is encouraged to attend the online events.

It is hoped that the Joyce Country and Western Lakes region, which is a mix of Gaeltacht and non-Gaeltacht areas, mountainous terrains, the wild Atlantic, the lakes of Corrib, Mask and Carra, and limestone lowlands to the east of the lakes, will apply for UNESCO Global Geopark status in late 2021. This conference will showcase the work and the potential for sustainable tourism development in the region and show best practice in similar projects in Ireland and internationally.

Said Koen Verbruggen, Geological Survey Ireland director: “The Joyce Country and Western Lakes area is special in its rich geological story and diversity of landscapes. The conference draws expertise from across the world, and will open a window on why UNESCO Global Geopark status offers great opportunities to help the region’s local communities to thrive, and boost jobs and business.”

The first of two talk sessions took place this morning, with another on Wednesday, and there's also a series of pre-recorded and live workshops on both afternoons.

Tuesday's themes centre on ‘Geoparks and sustainable development’ and ‘Local products and link to geology’.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, the focus is on ‘Heritage in the Joyce Country and Western Lakes region’ and ‘Tourism and Networking’.

Speakers include the 2020 Lonely Planet travel award winners Burren Eco Tourism Network, the international GEOfood trail, established geoparks and aspiring geoparks from Ireland, UK and Canada, and the International Appalachian Trail which now connects the North American and European continents, as well as local food and craft s providers. The conference will be run through English, but in keeping with the area and the influence and importance of the Irish language, there will be flavours of gaeilge of Dúiche Sheoigheach agus Tuar Mhic Éadaigh.

Local businesses, towns and villages have been invited to be part of the virtual exhibition space and part of the conversation through the live Q & A sessions.

Registration gives access to all content afterwards if you wish to view at a later stage. Register at the following link: