Mayo organisations certify to world class business standards

Organisations across Ireland, from the private, public and SME sectors, have been recognised by the NSAI (National Standards Authority of Ireland) for their achievement in becoming certified to world class business standards so far in 2021.

This includes Mayo-based organisations the Department of Housing and Local Government (I.S. EN ISO 14001:2015: Environmental Management System) and Full Health Medical (I.S. EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017: Information Security Management System).

All the businesses and bodies that achieved certification were independently audited by NSAI auditors to ensure they complied with the international standards.

They join an elite group of over 4,000 organisations who are currently NSAI-certified in a variety of areas such as quality management, environmental management, occupational health and safety management and energy management.

The organisations have been recognised for their achievements by the Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail, Damien English, who said: “Across Ireland, businesses and public bodies are enjoying the benefits of certification to international standards.

“I want to congratulate every organisation for achieving certification, which will pay huge dividends in terms of improved efficiency, productivity and customer satisfaction.

“These organisations will see a range of benefits, such as enhanced business performance, strengthened resilience and greater environmental sustainability.”

NSAI chief executive Geraldine Larkin said achieving certification to world class business standards can benefit business in a variety of ways.

“Certification can grow an organisations knowledge and skills across a wide range of areas, boosting efficiency and helping to mitigate risk.

“I am delighted to see the high level of commitment shown by the companies and organisations who have been certified. I want to acknowledge the huge effort, particularly this year, when many of our audits had to be conducted online.

“It is very encouraging to see so many companies are committed to working towards best practice. They continue to demonstrate that Irish based companies can compete at the highest level,” Ms. Larkin concluded.