Extra €563,129 in funding for rural roads in Mayo

THE Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys, has announced a further €10.5 million investment in rural roads and laneways.

The allocation represents a doubling of the budget under the Local Improvement Scheme (LIS) for this year. It brings the overall annual spend to a record €21 million.

An additional €563,129 is being allocated to Mayo under the latest round of funding, which is in addition to the previously announced funding of €798,496.

In total, it brings the 2021 allocation in Mayo for Local Improvement Scheme to €1,361,625, Deputy Alan Dillon confirmed.

He commented: “It is great to see an additional €563,129 being allocated to local roads in Mayo.

“The Local Improvement Scheme is designed to support the continued improvement of non-public roads in rural communities and improves access to rural homes and farms, as well as outdoor amenities such as our lakes, rivers, mountains and beaches.

“These roads and laneways are not normally maintained by locally authorities but, nonetheless, represent a vital piece of infrastructure for rural residents It will make a tremendous difference to those who rely on such roads and particularly in rural areas.”

The allocation to Mayo is based on the level of works that each local authority indicated they could complete before the end of the year. The higher the level of demand that could be met by a local authority before the end of the year, the higher the level of funding they have been allocated.

“I commend Mayo County Council for their strong application and determination in maximising the amount of funding being sought this year,” said Deputy Dillon.

Deputy Michael Ring said it was a very welcome boost for the county.