The Irish Pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai.

Leading Mayo jeweller selected for Expo 2020 in Dubai

A leading Mayo jeweller has had the distinction of being selected for the Irish Pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai.

Nigel O'Reilly, Main Street, Castlebar, was chosen along with some of Ireland's finest designers for the Design and Craft Council of Ireland's presentation, 'We are the Makers'.

Stated Nigel: "The island of Ireland is home to some of the finest craftspeople, from silversmiths to weavers, furniture makers to glassmakers.

"The skills of the hand have been cherished over time, alongside the realisation that if we don't imbue our people with a knowledge of how to 'make', we risk losing entire skill-sets and methods of production."

He thanked the Design and Crafts Council of Ireland for the opportunity to attend the selected exhibition and praised the organisation for its dedication to such a large project.