Minister Charlie McConalogue.

Agriculture Minister's CAP consultation tour coming to Mayo

THE Minister for Agriculture, Charlie McConalogue, will continue his Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) consultation tour when he visits Co. Mayo this Thursday, October 14.

The minister will speak at Balla Mart at 2.30 p.m.

Minister McConalogue plans to visit every county to hear directly from farmers as part of the CAP consultation process over the coming weeks.

Ireland's CAP Strategic Plan must be submitted before January 1 next in order to have the new CAP in place for January 2023.

Commented the minister: “I look forward to meeting as many farmers as possible in the weeks ahead - I want to put farm families at the centre of this CAP. This is farmers' CAP and I want to hear from farmers in every county.

“Earlier this year, I committed to bringing this CAP to every calving shed, every milking parlour every tillage field and every farm kitchen table and this is another step in that commitment to farm families.

“While time is tight, there is still time for farmers to have their voices heard in these hugely historic CAP reforms.”

Details on mart visits are being released through agri, social and local media. Interested farmers are encouraged to contact their farming organisations or their local mart before attending due to necessary Covid-19 restrictions and responsibilities.