Council requires €2.7m support as Covid impacts costs and income

MAYO County Council requires funding support of €2.7 million from government this year as the impact of Covid continues to be felt.

If it's not forthcoming it will impact on next year's and future budgets.

The sum was revealed in the monthly chief executive's report circulated to elected members at their monthly meeting this week.

The financial report for the year has been prepared on the basis the government support will be forthcoming for additional specific costs incurred and losses in income as a result of the pandemic.

An amount of €2.7 million in grant income has been included for the period January to August 2021.

Support was received in 2020 for these costs/losses in income and budget 2021 was prepared on the basis that this support would continue into this year if required.

Should it not be forthcoming it will have a significant impact on the out-turn for 2021 and on budget 2022, chief executive Kevin Kelly warned in the report.

The council received €4.1m last year and support was promised into 2021 if it was needed, members were told.

As the year has rolled out, it has been needed, said head of finance Peter Duggan at the authority's monthly meeting, with lockdown for the first eight months of the year.

He included €2.7 million for costs/losses of income and if not received it would have a significant impacts, having to be recovered, starting with budget 2022.

“That support is needed for the coming year and it should be forthcoming.”