Construction work on the Church of the Holy Rosary, Castlebar, with scaffolding, ramp and workmen.Photo: Wynne Private Collection

Local history: Church of the Holy Rosary - 118 years

By Tom Gillespie

AT the instigation of John McHale, Archbishop of Tuam, a new church was started in Castlebar in 1876, to a design by J.J. O’Callaghan. Much of the funding came from the diaspora in the USA.

The church was on a higher site opposite the original church. Progress slowed when the parish priest, Canon James Magee, died in 1885. His successor, Canon Patrick Lyons, demolished the half-completed church in 1891, much to the consternation of parishioners and donors, and built the present church alongside the old St. Mary’s Church.

In March 1897 building work commenced. However, a storm in 1899 damaged the structure but work continued and the church was completed in 1901, except for the spire, which was postponed, probably due to lack of funds.

The church architect was Walter Doolin from Dublin, the contractor was Healey of Tralee, the foreman’s name was Donohoe and the clerk of works was Cotter and the cost of the building was £18,000.

Archbishop McEvilly performed the blessing and dedication ceremony in October 1901 on the feast of the Holy Rosary.

Bishop McCormack of Galway preached the special sermon and Bishop Ludden of New York celebrated the Mass. He had donated the high altar, designed and built by James Pearse and Sons of Dublin. James Pearse was father of Padraic Pearse.

In his sermon Bishop McCormack stated: “It possesses every architectural feature which combines solidarity and beauty, majesty and grace.”

For the 42-year period 1901 to 1943 the church needed and received nothing more than routine care and maintenance. But by 1943 it did need extensive renovations and restoration.

Archdeacon Fallon was P.P., but in failing health, and Fr. John Gibbons was in charge of the renovations. The architect was Charles Powell of Dublin.

Some of the work was performed by specialists but a lot was done by local tradesmen. The work included treatment for woodworm. It was found there was an extensive and serious attack of woodworm in the seats and roof. This merited an article in The Irish Press of July 9, 1943: “Experts found that the Deathwatch beetle had made a lodgement in the 100-year-old organ of the Castlebar parish church.”

It was presumed the organ had come from another church where it had picked up the woodworm. All the timbers were treated with Cuprinol. However, in the 1950s the church had to be treated again at a cost of £1,800.

The old organ was disposed of in 1943 and the present organ was built by an English firm, P. Conacher & Co., of Huddersfield. It was completed in 1948. Mr. Conacher said of it: “The instrument in itself is the finest two-manual organ, to my knowledge, in the whole country.”

It cost £3,000 at the time. It was extensively serviced and renovated in 1969 at a cost of £925.

In 1943 the firm of A.W. Lyons of Dublin carried out extensive work on the windows of the church and many of the high level ones were replaced.

In the 1950s the cross on the gable nearest the river was hit by lightening and shattered onto the roof over the sanctuary, causing extensive damage.

After 42 years a lot of the painting had perished and was redone in 1943. The old floor of the church was parquet tiled but had subsided in many places, including the side altars and pulpit. The defects were repaired in the 1943 scheme but it was only by 1955 that a new floor was provided.

The old solid fuel heating system was maintained until about 1950. The chimney from the boiler house was taken down and an electrical system installed in 1950 at a cost of £800.

A public address system was installed by Tannoy in 1949 for £362. In 1980 a separate system was provided for the folk group.

In 1983 a new amplification system with some new speakers and microphones was installed for £2,700.

The church bell weighed 42 cwt. It was provided by Matthew O’Byrne, Dublin, in 1937 and in 1952 a new ringing wheel was provided.

The mosaic on Our Lady’s chapel was done in 1956 by J. Crean & Sons, Roscommon, in conjunction with J.P. McCormack & Sons, Castlebar.

The ornate iron gate at the entrance to the baptismal font was manufactured by Messrs. John Fagan & Sons, Dublin. Babies being baptised, therefore, had to pass through ‘Fagan’s Gates’, the traditional meaning of being considered a ‘true’ Castlebar person.

In 1986, further improvements were made to the sanctuary by then parish priest, Canon Sean Blake, including the installation of a new altar. His successor, Canon Patrick Curran, commissioned a mosaic of Our Lady of the Rosary over the main door to celebrate the church’s centenary in 2001. Walter Michel, a German artist living near Parke, designed the beautiful mosaic.

Details courtesy Castlebar Parish Magazine 1983.